"From the city all you can hear are the screams resonating from fields
on the farm. Located on the outskirts of the city lies a farmland that
is home to one of the scariest places in Arizona. Fear Farm is the
largest outdoor haunted attraction in the valley. 30 acres of pure
terror, consisting of 5 indoor/outdoor haunted attractions and for the
faint of heart we offer a 10 acre corn maze. New for 2016 Fear farm
brings you the all new Phoenix Haunted Hayride. Guests won’t have to
travel far to leave the city lights behind and enjoy this ominous oasis
of the desert, the Valley’s only outdoor Halloween experience with
attractions for the whole family. This Halloween season, Fear Farms
promises to become your family’s newest and most frightening fall
tradition: Come for the fun, stay for the fear. Make a night of it. We
dare you. This year there are 5 horrific haunts all at one location:
Slaughterhouse, Undead, The Bunker, Mouth of Madness, and Legends:
Goatman! If you’re in Phoenix this fall, be sure to not miss everyone’s
favorite Halloween tradition and take a stroll through Fear Farm Haunted
House and Corn Maze"
We'll see.
We are also planning on
This has "merry" activities that are appropriate for all ages..
which includes walking through an extinct animal graveyard
Urban Legend Lane
Wander along a path of urban legends and encounter characters you’ve only heard about in myths.
Haunt for Dead October
Feel the terror of the deep in the Haunt for Dead October. Dare to
enter a Soviet submarine and be menaced by radioactive Russian zombies.
Walking Dead Way Don’t make any sudden movements … escaped and hungry zombies roam the pathway waiting to feast on human flesh.
Vampires Awakening
Enter the Lair of Darkness where thirsty vampires await to feed on the living.
Insane Asylum
Experience this insane “funhouse”. Try not to stare … you could end up being their next resident!
Post-Apocalyptic Train Tour*
Take a train ride to the darkest and scariest corners of the Zoo where
even we won’t venture on our own! Let’s hope you make it back in one
There are a few local 'home haunts' in our area that we plan on visiting too!
I forgot to show you this sign I found at goodwill,
This was 3.99!
You flip up the face and this is underneath
This was bought at Target..I love the gypsy vibe it has!
This is an old mask and werewolf paws that I stuck on the wall..
It always creeps me out when I turn off the living room lights at night, it's like I forget it's
hanging there until it's dark.
Look at thismug! This was sent to me as a gift:)
Isn't it just adorable?
This one, I've had forever..It's one of my favorites.
It's huge, perfect for coffee.
Sometimes the talent that people have just blows me away..
You couple that with generosity and it's a powerful combination.
My awesome friend Georgina created these two amazing
beauties and sent them to me!!
A treat box and a tree of life ornament:)
That treat box will be out all year and the ornie will definitely
be on our tree for many years to come!
I LOVE her art work.
stop by her blog and take a look at her work, it's at
"This article is about the creature of Native American legend. For other uses, see Skin-walker (disambiguation).
In Navajo (Navajo: Diné) culture, a skin-walker (yee nahgloshii) is a type of witch who has the ability to turn into an animal, or to disguise themselves as an animal.
In the Navajo language, yee naagloshii translates to "he who walks on all fours".[1] While perhaps the most common variety seen in horror fiction by non-Navajo people, the yee naaldlooshii is one of several varieties of Navajo witch, specifically a type of ’ánti’įhnii.[1]
Navajo people usually hesitate to reveal this lore to non-Navajos, or even to discuss it casually among those they do not trust.[2]"
My best friend from middle school had a brother that
loved to go camping.
He especially liked the rural mountainous areas east of Phoenix Arizona.
He would get on his motorcycle and head out for long weekends
usually alone.
He loved driving and
He didn't believe in superstitions or 'old wives tales'
As he put it.
I spoke to my friend and she said he'd been out camping and came home early.
Spooked out of his mind.
He told her he had seen something so terrible
He felt like the thought alone was going to drive him insane.
After setting up camp, he decided to hike over to a small lake and fish for a while
(It was a routine he had.)
He was not having much luck
and had resigned himself to going back to camp
and having some of the food he brought with him,
for this very reason.
As he began to pack up his tackle
He heard a low growl drifting up from the thick underbrush behind him.
He got very anxious since mountain lions were spotted often in that area.
He finished and started to put as much space between himself and the creature as possible.
On the way back to his campsite he could hear whistling and small bushes and leaves
being crushed...whatever it was kept pace with him all the way back.
He said his mind was playing tricks on him
because he could swear that what ever it was that was out there
had climbed up the nearest tree and was now just watching him as he
built a fire and settled down for the night.
Every once in a while he could hear growls and what sounded like whispers.
This went on for about an hour until he decided to get out his
gun and shoot into the tree, figuring that whatever was up there would
become frightened and run off.
He shot in the general direction of the 'animal'
but instead of running off it jumped down and got closer to the fire.
After getting a good look at it.
He ran for his bike, didn't even pack his stuff and took off.
The drive home was terrifying for him.
The creature looked like a large shaggy deer.
The face pale, the eyes bright red.
The limbs, unnaturally long.
It ran along the side of the road, sometimes on all fours, sometimes up on it's hind legs.
Driving as fast as he possibly could, he made it back to a populated area
and rested there until the sun came up.
Afterwards my friend told me he was spooked.
He saw shadows where no one else did.
His driving was reserved for work only
and camping became out of the question.
After a few weeks
He told her her that
the creature was everywhere, he could hear it
scrabbling and whispering in the dead of night.
He could see it out of the corner of his eye.
This went on for a couple of months..
Then one night in early September
he was killed in a motorcycle accident on a lonely highway.
There were no other vehicles involved.
What are your thoughts on this..?
Have you ever heard of skin walkers?
They're supposedly in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico...
But I've heard stories of them being in other places as well.