Every night she would sit at her window and gaze up at the glittering heavens and imagine her true love. Night after night she sat hoping he would appear, but to no avail.
So one rainy afternoon, she made a decision. After digging through a beautifully carved trunk of books, she found the one she needed.
Armed with a cauldron filled with roses, candles, herbs and her magical book, she set off through the damp, tangled woods.

In a grove filled with wild flowers and poisonous toadstools, she cast a love spell so powerful, even the predators of the forest felt no animosity in their hearts when they spied her amongst the trees.
Once the moon had risen, golden and ripe, she carefully poured the elixir into a vial for safe keeping.
Not noticing the single drop that fell silently to the ground, she packed up her cauldron and headed home.
From that errant drop sprang a beautiful fairy, so tiny, the wildflowers towered over her.
Her small heart was overflowing with love, and everything she touched felt the power of it.
Birds sang sweeter, wild beasts grew tame and human hearts beat faster.

She lives among wildflowers.So remember next time you are out walking on a trail or camping in the woods, if you happen to see a flash of bright red or feel a fluttering in your heart, it could be her. To actually see her, means true love is near.

The End