Guess what?
Halloween in April!!!.....
That doesn't seem to have the same ring as 'Christmas in July' does it?
Oh well, either way I'm ready to show you my latest project for
Lisa Kettell Designs
Supplies12x12 canvas
12x12 decorative scrapbook papers in peach, black and parchment
sticky back border trim
china doll head by Lisa Kettell Designs
Small star ornament
birdcage charm
assorted adhesive rhinestones
glitter:yellow, hot pink, black, blue, purple and star shaped
1/2 yard each of orange and black tulle
ribbon:orange and purple
Halloween tiles
hot glue
white glue
glue stick
acrylic paint in white, pink, black, maroon, brown
Paint china doll head white
add in facial details
paint hair black, sprinkle with pink and blue glitter
brush forehead with white glue, add star shaped glitter
Hatcreate a small cone with black paper, hot glue to keep shape
cut circle out to form brim, hot glue to paper cone, add black glitter
attach to doll head
Canvascover surface of canvas with glue stick, attach peach colored scrapbook paper, press down firmly to remove wrinkles & creases.
add border trim to top and bottom of canvas
hot glue Halloween tiles to sides
Draw a form onto parchment colored paper,cut out and glue to canvas with white glue
make a dress bodice using the black paper, cut out and glue to form on canvas
Hot glue doll head to top of form
hot glue pieces of tulle and orange ribbon to bottom of bodice, alternating the colors to form skirt.
make a belt using a piece of purple ribbon, hot glue at waist
drizzle white glue on belt, sprinkle with purple glitter
crumple small bits of black tulle and glue to tops of arms
add rhinestones to skirt and neck
attach birdcage charm
Hot glue star ornament to canvas
embellish with yellow and star shaped glitter
Halloween stickers can be used in place of tiles
star ornament and birdcage charm can be found in craft stores
you can use wooden star cutouts instead of an ornament
tissue paper can be substituted for tulle
You can find more of the design team's creations on Lisa's