hope everyone is doing great.
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone that left me a comment on my last post, you all make blogging so worth it.
Before I get to announcing the winner I'd like to share a few pretties with you.
The Tucson Swap Queens had an envelope swap, the one I received was stuffed full of amazing goodies, from the lovely Alex Hardy but I opened it before I had a chance to photograph it....this is the one I made.

I also participated in The heart and flower Valentine swap hosted by Wendy from Bliss Angels and my partner was WENDY!!!She sent me one of her deliciously magical creations:

The beautiful card she created...

this is the tin I sent her,
The lid...

the inside,

Then!Linda from Olde Baggs 'n stuft shirts sent me this beautiful sweet smelling little sachet she made!For no reason, other than she's just an awesome lady, thank you so much Linda!

Once again I used a random number generator to choose a winner for my 2 years of blogging gift and the winner is #16...Kristin from Twinkle Twinkle.
Have a great week and thank you for stopping by.