Pink Saturday to everyone!
I found this amazing pink dish at a thrift store for 2 dollars! It sits on my desk now,usually with bubble gum in it, but for now strawberry marshmallows have taken up residence...probably not for long either,They smell so good!

Bought this plant holder in a icky shade of beige/green,I spray painted it and added the flowers,ribbons & candle...I was going for a chandelier look ,didn't really get there,but it's OK.

Today the sunset was breathtaking,it was so so pink, I had to run back inside and grab my camera...I haven't altered this! It was made for Pink Saturday.
This next picture is just a little something that made me smile and give thanks for just being alive:
I was doing laundry and was in that auto pilot mode,you probably know which one..anyway
I just happened to looked up and I saw these flowers and decided to take a picture,when I looked at them on my computer later I noticed that one of the little buds looked like a teeny bird,just there for me to see like a little gift.

It made me feel so happy,knowing that in the midst of the ordinary there are miracles...teeny ones like this one that we need to look for and immense ones like
Collette's one.
Have a magical,day, and don't forget to look.